Yoga and CBD

Benefits of CBD Yoga

What are the benefits of CBD and yoga? Try CBD yoga to enhance your relaxing experience and help reduce pain and inflammation while doing it.

CBDNerds Staff Updated on February 7, 2022

Natural medicine is seeing major popularity across the world. Whether it’s using acupuncture for pain relief or the implementation of essential oils throughout one’s home to promote relaxation, there’s no denying that these conventions are becoming more widely accepted. CBD yoga is one practice that is quickly gaining momentum because it combines the pain-relieving and relaxing advantages of CBD and yoga.

Although yoga has been around for thousands of years, it didn’t become mainstream in the West until relatively recently and has since hit an all-time high. This is not surprising since regular yoga sessions can help people of all ages and fitness levels find relief from stress, anxiety, and physical discomforts.

While it may not seem directly related, the use of CBD products for pain relief and general well-being has also increased in recent years, especially due to legislation that has made these items easier to access. One might argue that CBD falls within the realm of natural medicine, so it’s only normal to wonder what it would be like to blend the two.

Before we dive straight into the benefits of combining CBD and yoga, let’s take some time to understand the main components of each, including how they claim to help and what kind of physical and mental effects you can expect.

The Basics Of CBD: No, You Won’t Get High

For a long time, people viewed the cannabis plant as a drug and one that would simply get you high. Equating a “stoner mentality” to cannabis became the norm, yet as research continued to advance, it became clear that there was so much more this plant could offer than just a psychedelic experience. One of the many compounds found in marijuana is called CBD, and scientists have been able to uncover some pretty amazing things about it.

Its full name is cannabidiol and it is one of the hundreds of compounds found within cannabis. CBD works with the body’s endocannabinoid system, a system of neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid receptors. Pure CBD does not have psychoactive effects like THC does, allowing it to be used in a therapeutic setting. Although it has not been approved by the FDA for medical use, many claim that CBD does everything from ease anxiety and depression, to reduce inflammation. CBD can even be taken daily for chronic pain relief or used as a supplement to boost your immune system.

Even skeptics of cannabidiol have a hard time arguing against the fact that on a scientific level, our bodies were designed to know exactly how to process it to bring about pain-relieving benefits. There are different ways to utilize this compound, but many turn to the convenience of CBD oil. These products can be taken orally with a tincture or even rubbed directly onto your body.

Yoga’s Plethora Of Benefits: Breathe In, Breathe Out, Feel Better

The American Osteopathic Association notes that there are over 100 different kinds of yoga but most of them will bring a similar set of benefits by focusing on stretching, breathing, and meditation. Whether you enjoy hot yoga in a room that’s over 100°F or you prefer a gentler yoga class, there’s no denying that people come away from a yoga session practically glowing.

Yoga offers both mental and physical effects that can be truly life-changing. Students of yoga can increase flexibility and improve their muscle tone, but it can also help with weight loss and circulatory health. Yoga can be utilized as a stand-alone exercise or is a great way to switch up your routine when you’re looking for something new.

Often, when the word yoga is mentioned one of the first things that people equate it with is stress relief. That’s because the practice creates a sense of mental clarity and relaxation that can help with attention levels, concentration, and can break the cycle of chronic stress. The best part, yoga isn’t something you have to do for hours on end to feel the benefits, a few times per week is enough to be effective.

Mixing CBD and Yoga: Calming Your Body and Mind

cbd yoga

When you individually examine the benefits that yoga and CBD can bring to someone’s life, there’s a pretty clear indication that both work in different ways to impart a similar set of actions. Bodily pain may be eased through CBD use and gentle stretching since they can have anti-inflammatory properties; anxiety can also be significantly calmed through the use of both. Additionally, each promotes a general sense of well-being that just might extend into other areas of one’s life. Brands like Sagely Naturals are even marketing their CBD products at yoga studios recommending you combine the two.

So how exactly do you blend the powerful properties of these two ideas to create something even more special? There are several options to choose from depending on your preferred method of using CBD. Some individuals prefer to view their CBD use as just another daily supplement and like to take it in gummy form along with the rest of their vitamins before heading off to do yoga.

Others find that CBD creams are particularly helpful when applied to specific parts of the body, especially if you find that you are feeling stiff or have sore muscles. CBD can take some time to kick in when used topically, so make sure to use it well ahead of your yoga time.

Yoga and CBD: Together at Last

Many studios are now integrating CBD yoga into their practice. Some offer CBD oil-infused tea before a cross-legged meditation session to ease the mind — while others use CBD balms and lotions during hatha yoga to prepare the body for deeper stretching and complete relaxation. One account of an individual attending a CBD yoga class noted that her dose was administered through an oral tincture, and she was surprised to experience just how her mind and body connection was enhanced.

If you are seeking relief from a medical condition, looking to deepen your practice, or just need help relaxing, adding CBD yoga to your routine might be beneficial.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! On their own, they each have wonderful benefits which include relief from stress, anxiety, and physical discomfort. So, whether you’re looking to enhance your practice or for a double dose of relaxation, combining CBD and yoga may give you the peace of mind needed to take your Savasana to the next level. Why not try a few drops of CBD oil from Joy Organics before your next yoga session?