When to Take CBD Oil Throughout the Day

When is the best time of day to take CBD oil? The CBDNerds team looks at when the most beneficial time to take CBD is for a variety of needs.

CBDNerds Staff Updated on June 4, 2024

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, there’s a good chance that cannabidiol (CBD) has made its way into your vernacular. Whether you’re open to trying new and alternative products or you stick strictly to the things your doctor prescribes, there’s no denying it – CBD use has grown exponentially as of late and is being hailed by many as a natural treatment for a ton of medical issues, such as anxiety and depression, and even pain relief. But how are you supposed to know when to take CBD oil?

Some assume that CBD is very similar to marijuana, and while both do come from the hemp plant, there are some major differences between the two. Smoking, vaping, or ingesting weed imparts a set of psychoactive effects through a compound called tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, and can be used for recreational or medicinal purposes.


CBD, on the other hand, is an entirely separate compound that can offer benefits without getting you high. With that, the answer to the question “when is the best time of day take to take CBD oil” varies as people don’t have to worry about psychoactivity.


If you’re interested in taking CBD, you’ve likely read up on the various products on the market, explored their pros and cons, and even figured out what kind of dose is right for you. One consideration that many don’t realize is exactly when to take CBD oil. Is there a better time of the day to enjoy its benefits? Let’s explore some of the considerations you should take when introducing cannabinoids into your life.

A Quick Rundown On CBD

Before diving right in, let’s understand why anyone would even want to take CBD. Items will vary depending on what state you live in, but in general, people can enjoy CBD gummies, smoke it using a vape, and often consume CBD oil products either using a tincture or by blending it into their favorite food. It’s also commonly used as a way to relieve chronic pain and inflammation and can address issues like cramps, headaches, and arthritis. Many find that a specific amount of CBD can reduce chronic stress and anxiety, while others with more serious medical conditions including seizures and even cancer have dubbed CBD as a form of potential relief.

CBD affects a natural part of the body called the endocannabinoid system (ECS) once it enters the bloodstream and causes a reaction that changes us on a cellular level. The brain is full of cannabinoid receptors and when a person enjoys any part of a cannabis plant, these sections work to produce a variety of effects. It’s this system itself that causes many people to believe that cannabis, in general, should be legalized and part of the healthcare system as our bodies are literally created to process it. Not to mention, CBD usage comes with little to no side effects.

Medical Cannabis

How Long Does It Take for CBD Oil to Work?

The initial effects of CBD and hemp oil hit people differently. Some feel it almost immediately while others claim it takes upwards of 15 minutes to truly kick in. The best way to figure out how long it takes for CBD oil to work is to take some yourself and pay close attention to the effects.

The effects will vary depending on the amount of CBD you take. You can check the strength of a CBD product by looking at the milligram (mg) count. The more mg of CBD labeled on a bottle, the less you’ll need to feel the effects. To better understand your dosage of CBD, we suggest you do a bit of research and experimentation with your serving size. This information will also give you insight as to when is the best time of day to take CBD oil.

When to take CBD Oil: It’s All in The Timing

Many enjoy CBD coffee first thing in the morning while others use sublingual tinctures or topical creams throughout the day. Some point to taking cannabidiol every single day as a preventative measure but others simply wait until they are experiencing symptoms before treating them.

While it may sound like a little bit of a cop-out, there’s really only one answer when it comes to the question of when to take CBD oil – when it makes the most sense for you. A CBD gummy can easily be ingested alongside the rest of your vitamins when you wake up in the morning, making this an easy way to remember to take it regularly.

If you make yourself a breakfast smoothie and drink it on the way to work, blend some CBD hemp oil into it so you won’t forget to take it later.

There is a range of flavorless products on the market, allowing you to add it to your drink and without tasting it. Hemp oil can also be mixed into yogurt or placed under the tongue using a dropper, offering a one-time dose that can help all day long.


Keep in mind that depending on the serving size, the effects of CBD can last between 4 and 12 hours, and just how strongly you feel its benefits will vary based upon your body composition and your method of consumption – for example, inhaling CBD through a vaporizer will kick in differently than using CBD isolate in your breakfast. Thinking about how long it will take for the benefits of CBD to kick in will likely aid in your decision-making process, and remember, you may not need as much CBD as others.

CBD Gummy

Things to Consider When Taking CBD

Taking CBD whenever it works for you doesn’t only mean taking into account your daily routine, as you may find that the best time of day to take CBD oil makes sense for other reasons. Everyone’s body is different, and for many, CBD offers an energizing effect and helps to provide additional motivation to take on the day’s tasks.

If this sounds like you, avoiding CBD at night should be one of your top priorities. Conversely, others notice they are very relaxed after ingesting cannabidiol, and so they tend to save this supplement as a part of their bedtime routine.

Furthermore, in places where cannabis is legal, CBD oil may cause psychoactivity. For example, CBD oil in Canada can have higher concentrations of THC and cause a “high.”

Not to mention, since many people are taking CBD for a particular ailment, you’ll want to consider this condition in your dosage scheduling. Here are just a few examples:

When to Take CBD Oil for Anxiety

Since symptoms of anxiety tend to appear when we least expect them, taking CBD oil for anxiety is a bit tricky. Some prefer taking it when an attack is coming on. Or, when they know potential triggers for symptoms anxiety will appear. This is a great option for those who can manage their anxiety but need the occasional helping hand.

However, if you find you’re experiencing anxiety regularly and have trouble reducing symptoms on your own, it may be more beneficial for you to take CBD in the morning as this will provide relief throughout the rest of your day. If you find the CBD wearing off, you can always take another dose mid-day. Keep in mind, the best CBD for anxiety usually requires a higher strength.

When to Take CBD Oil for Weightlifting or Exercising

If you’re an athletic person or at the very least try to hit the gym a few times per week, you may also want to consider how this aspect of your life will affect your CBD schedule. Experts have studied the correlation between the two and have found that taking CBD either just before or directly after a workout can help reduce recovery time and increase bodily function while being active. Not to mention, it can potentially provide post-workout pain relief.

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If you’re looking for a nighttime supplement, cbdMD’s PM soft gels incorporate 16.5mg of broad-spectrum alongside other natural sleep promoters, like Melatonin, Valerian Root, Lemon Balm, and Chamomile.

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So, when is the best time to take CBD oil?

Ultimately, there is no stock answer as every person will find their own benefits from experimenting with products, doses, and schedules. It’s crucial for anyone new to CBD to take the time and ingest their cannabidiol during various points in the day to determine what works best. As you develop a pattern and a routine, your body will become easily accustomed to this substance.

As always, it’s important to discuss CBD use with your primary care physician before starting any type of supplementation. While CBD products do come from natural sources, some individuals do experience side effects or have negative interactions with prescription medications and should proceed with caution. Once you’ve cleared it with your doctor, enjoy the range of options awaiting you!

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