Research into cannabidiol (CBD) began in the 20th century, with the discovery of the cannabinoid itself and later the endocannabinoid system (ECS) where it has a significant impact. These breakthroughs have provided the foundation for more in-depth studies in the past couple of decades, which have helped to paint a better picture of how CBD works in the body and the compound’s potential as a therapeutic agent.
While hemp-derived wholesale CBD products are legal, and people are already happily taking them to self-medicate their ailments, scientific research is imperative for the legitimization of CBD as mainstream medicine. Politicians, the media, and important bodies such as the World Health Organization (WHO) have already shown more receptiveness to CBD than psychoactive, THC-rich cannabis. Let’s put a focus on three important pieces of CBD research that have been carried out in recent times, but have perhaps not yet received the attention they deserve.