How Long Does It Take For CBD Oil to Work?

How Long Does It Take For CBD To Work? | CBDnerds

The answer to this question is simple, yet complex; many users report feeling immediate benefits to their condition after dosing - in as little as 15-20 minutes. How long it takes for CBD to work depends on the ailments, CBD ingestion methods, the person.

CBDNerds Staff Updated on August 15, 2024

It’s no wonder that people want to know how long it’s going to take for their CBD to work – it is becoming increasingly common for people to turn to CBD to try and treat a vast array of serious illnesses. These conditions include fibromyalgia, IBS, chronic pain, anxiety, Parkinson’s, and sleep disorders. It’s also become more common for users to treat PTSD using CBD.

The answer to this question is simple, yet complex; many users report feeling immediate benefits to their condition after dosing – in as little as 15-20 minutes. On the other hand, there are those who take their CBD oil religiously for days and weeks on end, with seemingly nothing happening.

How Long Does It Take for CBD Oil to Work for Anxiety?

There is strong evidence supporting the theory that anxiety is unique in that it responds rapidly to treatment with CBD – this NCBI study offers proof. The reason for this is probably directly related to how endocannabinoids function in the brain; they flow opposite to other neurotransmitters, providing neurons a ‘flow control’ mechanism to slow down over-stimulated brain cells.

That said, there is no specific evidence or FDA approvals on how long it takes for CBD oil to work for anxiety or even if it’s a viable solution for anxiety relief.

Before diving into this topic, it’s of the utmost importance that you ensure you are working with a genuine, full-spectrum CBD product.

Our CBD Nerds have a few articles that can help to navigate you through the harrowing process of finding a good CBD vendor, and my recommendation is Joy Organics. After extensively analyzing and reviewing hundreds of CBD products, Joy Organics has taken the cake regarding potency, effectiveness, taste, consistency, and absence of THC.

Once you have top-quality CBD oil in your hands, it’s time to get to feeling better! After checking our guidelines for dosages, squirt the appropriate amount underneath your tongue and hold for at least 30 seconds (or even several minutes if you’re like me and enjoy the taste).

After you swallow the CBD oil, don’t necessarily expect something to jump out at you immediately. Especially if you are a first time user, many of the cells in your body may begin subtly humming at the joy of being given something they’ve needed for so long. Think I’m exaggerating? Check out this article on Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency by NCBI.

How Long Does It Take for CBD Oil to Work for Anxiety?

CBD Oil Can Take a Long Time to Work – Rome Wasn’t Built In a Day

Although clinical evidence leaves something to be desired, many people experienced with CBD agree on a common theory. They say it takes time for CBD to build up in your system, and as such you will experience cumulative health benefits when taking it for an extended period of time.

There are a few angles one can take to see this picture more clearly. Science is proving more and more that CBD is effective, but it is also gentle and safe. Along with this soft nature comes a more tender approach to healing your mind and body.

CBD exhibits a multitude of therapeutic effects on several types of receptors in the brain and body, including CBD 1 and 2 receptors, serotonin/dopamine/GABA receptors, and even TRPV receptors – the same involved with capsaicin’s medicinal properties.

What’s great about CBD is the same thing that causes users to sometimes experience a delay between initial ingestion and experiencing tangible symptom relief. CBD is very mild and doesn’t do any one thing very intensely. Instead, it lightly touches on innumerable physiological processes, with feather-like dexterity.

Imagine someone fanning you with a large feather – one swing and you will feel the wind start to move, but only with repeated back and forth motions do things really get going and the air cools you down.

We spoke earlier of Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency – this condition will likely gain notoriety as more people realize it is quite common and potentially serious. Though the exact mechanisms remain under debate, science has proven that taking CBD oil increases levels of endogenous cannabinoids.

These ‘endocannabinoids’ (such as anandamide and 2-AG) are vital chemical messengers that regulate innumerable functions in the human body, including sex, pleasure, bone growth, reproduction, appetite, mood, fear, pain, movement, immune function, cognition, and sleep. With their importance now apparent, it’s easy to see how being insufficient in these pivotal molecules could cause a host of health problems.

How CBD Oil Works Immediately, and Long-Term

The proven ability of CBD to boost the levels of these compounds is likely where many of the purported benefits of CBD oil originate. This effect explains why there are both immediate effects, as well as stronger benefits that increase over time.

Think of it like a dam: one tiny crack forms, a bit of water starts passing through, the crack gets larger, more cracks spiderweb out, more holes form releasing even more water, and then all of a sudden the entire dam explodes in a flurry of whitewater, mud, and concrete. It’s not too long after when everything calms down, and the river again flows in a serene, peaceful way.

Depending on the severity of your ‘blockage’ or condition, the amount of time it takes for your CBD oil to feel like it’s really working will vary. In my personal experience (after several months of ingesting no cannabinoids) the beneficial effects of CBD start becoming more pronounced around days five to seven of regular dosing.

I usually take one dose in the morning with breakfast, and my last just before I go to bed. The process feels similar to ironing a shirt, as I slowly but surely return to a blissful state of balance and contentment.

If I stop taking CBD oil, I notice that it takes at least a week or two for the beneficial effects to begin fading – and again, your mileage may vary. Most people are familiar with the fact that THC is fat-soluble, meaning that upon ingestion it takes residence in the fat cells all around your body. It’s not far out to think of this as the body’s way of ‘storing’ cannabinoids for later use.

How CBD Oil Works Immediately, and Long-Term

How Long Does It Take for CBD Oil to Work for Pain?

The answer to this largely depends on what type of pain you are experiencing. For something like a headache, migraine, or post-exercise muscle soreness, it probably won’t take longer than 30 minutes to an hour for you to experience relief.

It also depends on how you take CBD, typically vaping is the quickest way for CBD to enter your blood system. CBD oils are another efficient way to realize the benefits of CBD. Capsules and topicals or CBD creams typically take longer. You can learn more about some of the best CBD creams for pain.

However, for more severe conditions like chronic pain, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, or pain from broken bones, it’s not unusual for the benefits of CBD to take between one and three weeks to work (and stimulate bone growth).

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

As is often the case in life, patience is a virtue and staying committed to your CBD oil dosing regimen for however long it takes to begin working is something we strongly encourage. Don’t give up if even after the first week you don’t feel much happening.

As always, consult with your healthcare provider before embarking on any natural products regimen!